Saturday, January 14, 2006

My daughter and I went shopping for a few hours last night. We had a really nice time. The conversation kept turning towards 'remember when we did this or that?' Like when we stayed at the hotel by the mall for a night when they were kids. The hotel offers a package - a room, pizza from the food court and a movie in the movie theater (where my daughter now works), plus the hotel has an indoor pool. Or when the kids were in sports. My daughter has an older brother who has two boys and her dad also has a younger kid, so she's gone to games and practices for them. It's nice when your kids start to get a taste of what kinds of things you did for them. I asked her if she had all her supplies in the trunk: large golf umbrella, chair, extra sweaters and jackets, blanket...she laughed. We did a lot of stuff when they were kids. My friends would comment on how much I did with my kids - I feel like I was a pretty good mom even though we struggled with money, exhaustion, and emotions.

My kids were in scouts, basketball, daughter in cheerleading, gymnastics, softball, son in baseball and football. She played violin in the orchestra and clarinet in the band. He played trombone in the band and plays electric and bass guitar for fun. When we could afford to, we went to movies, water parks and even saved to go to Disney. When we were broke, we went to the library, museum and roller skating. We were involved in church. I finished my bacherlor's degree and started a master's at night while working full time. All of the above while I was single and suffering from major depression. I feel like super-mom!

Now that they are teenagers, there's no extra-curricular activities. My son is failing some classes in high school. My daughter's health isn't too good and she has no insurance. It's time for their own struggles. Hopefully, they'll be able to look back and give themselves credit.

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