Thursday, April 27, 2006


Mom was diagnosed with Parkinson's a couple months ago. After falling again, we stayed with her around the clock as she was in a wheelchair and needed assistance for everything. Last week, she was admitted to the hospital for more rehab. The neurologist increased her medication and she's getting intensive therapy. The Parkinson's was much more advanced than they first thought. Now we need to figure out if she will be able to go back home on her own. She could spend some time in a nursing home until she is able to be safe by herself. She's 70, has osteoporosis, diabetes, bipolar disorder and now Parkinson's - it's likely a nursing home is in the future.


Anonymous said...

My husband was diagnosed with Parkinson's 4 years ago and it too was very mild; however 2 years ago he started a downhill slide and has been very bad since Jan. 06. I live in Akron and the Parkinson support group has helped me the most. There are wonderful people who always have time to listen to your conserns and also have very helpful advice. I recommend the group highly.

Unknown said...

Thanks so much! I will look into the support group.